Let's Talk About Green(ery)!


February 1, 2017

Let's Talk About Green(ery)!

Let's Talk Greenery.png

I’ve been thinking about this post for a month now.

New year, new color. For 2017, Pantone deemed “Greenery 15-0343” as the color of the year and I feel they have hit the nail on the head.

As an interior designer, I know that it's important to live in a home that truly reflects an individual's lifestyle, personality, and character. So when Pantone announces the color of the year, I always feel compelled to understand the chosen color and how to best incorporate it into a client's home with purpose (not just because it’s fashionable).

With all the tumultuous conversations happening around politics, climate change, and the demand for more equality, and everything else we’re worried about right now, we need to lower our anxiety and just breathe for a moment.

Luckily for us, this year's color helps us do just that.

We definitely need more green in our homes and lives. It's nature's color. It conjures happy memories and nostalgic reflections. Like when you were a kid playing in the backyard, barefoot against the newly cut grass and without a care in the world. Or that hike in the Catskills when you paused amidst the foliage to breath-in the sweet fresh air.

Just thinking of my own memories associated with green, I can't help but smile and feel alive as I write this. And 2017 is just kicking off, so I’m hopeful for the positive vibes we will feel for the rest of the year if we bring more green into our lives. The color transcends what to put in the home or how to wear it, it also encourages us to live a full life, go out and explore, eat more greens, and say hello to mother nature.

To me, the color isn't just about people selling and buying "green" for their home or to wear on their body, but it greatly reflects the emerging buzz that's been happening in our culture and current state-of-mind a lot of us are in. For instance, I've noticed an influx in conversations around meditation, gratitude journaling, being healthier, traveling, and pursuing happiness and life balance, which can all be summed up in the color green.  

Lastly, I hope that green will bring us towards a more grounded state of mind when journeying through 2017, and remind us that we are all in this together.

Happy new year, and may green be with you!


Jeremy Richardson